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By John R. Thompson
If you’re like a lot of people you may have casually thought about getting a federal firearms license, or (FFL). And while it’s not right for everyone, it’s certainly an important license to have if you’re interested in dealing in firearms. It’s also very important if you’re a collector of firearms, specifically (C&R) curios and relics type firearms.
One important factor that needs to be noted is that getting a federal firearms license is not an easy task. Any time that you have to deal with the government and any associated red tape or bureaucracy, you’re almost guaranteed that it won’t be easy. Unfortunately, getting an FFL is no different. So with that said, let’s take a closer look at the process of applying and some of the requirements.
The first thing you’ll need to acquire is an application. Generally there are two types of applications that pertain to getting a Federal Firearms License. These are ATF form 7 (F 5310.12), and ATF form 7CR (F 5310.16). Form 7 is the basic federal firearms license application, and form 7CR is the application that you’ll use if you want to become a licensed curio and relic collector.
Even though it’s possible to fill out and submit most government forms and applications online, a Federal Firearms License application is not one of them. The reason for this is that you will need to submit photographs and fingerprints in order to complete the application process. You can either request these forms online, or call the ATF directly and request them. Once requested, they’ll be mailed to you.
Now before you fill out your application, there a few basic requirements that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says you must meet in order to become licensed. These are as follows:
The first is that you’re 21 years of age or older.
The second is that you’re not prohibited from possessing firearms. The third is that you haven’t violated any regulations of the Gun Control Act. The fourth is that you can’t lie on your application, or fail to disclose information on it. The fifth is that you have an approved location or premises that will be used for conducting business or for your gun collection.
Furthermore, once you’ve met those requirements, you’ll also be required to confirm that:
Any business that you’re intending to conduct at the licensed location is not prohibited under any state or local laws.
That you’ll comply with any local or state laws that may pertain to your business within 30 days of approval of your license.
That you will not do any business until such time as you have met all of the local and state laws that pertain to your business.
You must notify your local Chief of Police via a form, that you intend to apply for a license, and where the licensed location will be.
And finally, you’ll need to provide some type of secure storage and safety devices for any firearms that are sold at your location.
Assuming that you’ve done everything correctly, which is often not the case due to the complexity of the application process, you’ll just have to sit back and wait until you receive notice telling you whether you’ve been approved or denied.
Keep in mind that it’s essential that you fill out your application correctly the first time. Failure to do so could jeopardize your chances at getting a Federal Firearms License, or at the very least substantially increase the time it takes to be approved. Just remember to pay close attention to the details when filling out the application. And finally, don’t forget to keep your fingers crossed!
About the Author: John R. Thompson has been a gun collector and 2nd Amendment proponent for over four decades. Click here for help getting your Federal Firearms License or FFL on your first try. Or if you’d like to learn more about federal firearms licenses in general, or anything related to getting them, please check out the blog here –> Federal Firearms License.
Source: isnare.com
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