How To Get Pregnancy Back Pain Relief

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Submitted by: Dan Eitreim

One of the biggest moments in a woman’s life is creating another life inside her. Unfortunately it’s not a simple process and back pain during pregnancy can become a major issue. If you’re struggling and need pregnancy back pain relief then there are a few exercises we want to show you today. Each one of them is considered to be an extremely helpful treatment to provide severe back pain relief in pregnancy.

#1 Pregnancy Back Pain Relief – Strengthening The Abs With Lower Back Extensions… When you are pregnant and a little one is growing inside of you, your abdominal muscles will become lax. This is so the uterus can continue to stretch as the baby develops. This creates a chain reaction in the body and shifts the center of gravity to the point where the back starts doing all the work of supporting the abdomen. Eventually you experience pregnancy aches and pains in the back because of it.

Lower back extensions are basic exercise steps you can take to treat back pain and a great way to strengthen the midsection, but be warned, it’s going to be a little difficult moving around. You should fully expect this before you get started.

Once you’re ready, get on your hands and knees preferably on a mat. By keeping your back straight and your elbows slightly bent, extend your right arm away from you and your left leg.


Hold the position for 5 seconds and then alternate to your left arm and right leg. This will contract the muscles and stretch out different parts of your body. Repeat it at least 10 times but no more than 20. You will notice a difference after the first session.

#2 Pregnancy Back Pain Relief – Improve your Posture with Pelvic Tilts… Pelvic tilts actually have several benefits. You definitely want to keep your posture intact, but it can also strengthen the abs and provide pain relief.

There are different ways to do this exercise, but we recommend getting on all fours (elbows slightly bent), and rotate your pelvis so the tailbone is pointing towards the floor.

During this time you also want to be contracting your abdominal muscles. Just like the first exercise it’s good advice to do it 10 to 20 times. Always make sure you hold the position for about 5 seconds before releasing.

#3 Pregnancy Back Pain Relief – Take a break and a Swim… We wanted to keep the last exercise for pregnancy back pain relief simple. We know you’re dealing with a heavy load and the body isn’t used to it. When you get in a pool, the water ends up supporting the weight, which makes it easier on your body. Just think of it like a massage when you’re completely stressed out.

If you don’t have a pool then head to the local indoor gym. It’s possible this can be covered by your insurance as well. Take the time to look into it, because this is one of the best pregnancy back pain relief options out there.

There are plenty of others as well, but you should definitely add these into your regimen. It’s also a good idea to do these as early on in the pregnancy as you can.

Here’s one to avoid…Yes, I know it hurts and that nagging backache just never seems to go away, sometimes you think you just can’t stand it anymore. But, avoid taking over the counter medicine unless prescribed by your doctor. You could create serious side effects affecting the fetus. This is a common problem that it’s better to avoid.

Most women find that with spine stretching exercises they are able to lessen the discomfort to tolerable levels.

Oh, and don’t forget to consult your physician before getting started. Hopefully he or she will allow you to keep exercising for pregnancy back pain relief throughout all three trimesters.

About the Author: If you really want to recover you’ll need to learn a couple methods that work amazingly well…you can read how to do them in my free report here:



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